Go Green

a beautiful world

everyone has a favorite place, and this is Alex

Irreversible climate change, the destruction of the rainforest, threats to ecosystems such as coral reefs, the extinction of species, landfill, pollution etc.. the list is depressingly long and action really is urgent.

Things can be done within everyday lives to alleviate some of these effects – apart from planting trees in the amazon or patrolling coral reefs for rogue fishermen. Most of us live in a home that is far from efficient.

Think global act local is not all that hard – while investing in our own comfort and reducing our own running costs we can still be leading from the front in the fight against climate change.

The embodied carbon of constructing an average UK house is equivalent to driving around the earth over 10 times@EcoSteveAllen - http://www.circularecology.com/

Some numbers:

In the UK the national average power consumption per household each year is 22,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year. This is equivalent to 5,835 kilograms of carbon (kgCO2) per year dumped in the atmosphere.

Equivalent to:
miles travelled on a train


Equivalent to:
miles on a bus


miles on a jumbo jet

put another way:

 travelling by train to London and back 2,701 times
taking a bus to Rome 271 times
flying to Sydney, Australia, 9 times in one year.

So, reduce your home energy requirement by just 10% and you’d be making a significant contribution!